Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
1865 - 1990 extensive specialised collection used and */** with many better items and sets including proofs, tête-bêches, errors, varieties, controls, perfins, postal history (registered, mixed frankings, destinations, parcel post cards etc.) neatly described in 2 albums
1884 onwards Back of the book a specialised collection with Airmail, Express stamps, Postage Dues, Gaza (Egypt occupation) including many better items, postal history, constant varieties, errors, controls all neatly described in Zonnebloem album
1879 onwards specialised collection Postal Stationery (totally c. 460 items) collected used (including postmarks, destinations, mixed frankings etc.) and unused including postal cards (including prepaid reply), envelopes, registered envelopes, letter sheets (including registered and airmail), newspaper wrappers and cassette envelopes, with many better items (SPC5a unused, SPC29 unused, SEN8v and 8Ac unused, SEN8q used, SEN41 and 41a unused, SRE1 used, SRE4 used, SRE10 used) all neatly described, total cat. value Chalhoub $11.000 approx. in 5 binders
1866 - 1980 c. stock with better items including constant varieties, postmarks, officials etc. in 2 stockbooks (1 small format)
1958 - 2008 collection commemoratives mostly ** including miniaturesheets and sheetlets (Mi. 979, block 17 and 32) in Zonnebloem album and stockbook
1875-1981 collection including large part of cover with strip of 4 Ceres 30 c. brun (numeral gros chiffres 5129), and Egypt with postmarks Port Said, some postal history, picture postcards, including topic Suez Canal in Safe album
1866/1999 collection used and */** including better items, minature sheets and Back of the Book in binder
1866 onwards and some Sudan with better items including duplicates in 3 stockbooks
1890 onwards and some Sudan c. 330 covers and postal stationery mostly older material including better items, registered, paquebot, censor, airmail etc. in album and small box
1910 c. postcards mostly used, with postmarks, totally 80 ex. including some other countries in small box
1948 - 1967 extensive collection */** including errors, postal history (3 registered covers), some fdc's etc. in Safe album
King Fuad I 200m. mauve and £E1 dull violet blue and blue imperf pairs, fine to very fine (some light gum wrinkling and some light tone spots, cat.v. £ 2275