Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
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- (-) Remove Rusland (Poccия) filter Rusland (Poccия)

1858/1975 collection mainly used including better miniature sheets (*/**) in 2 Kaba albums

1900/1930 approx., collection of about 175 covers/postal stationery with better frankings, many foreign destinations, Red Cross etc. in binder
1860c. onwards large number of stockcards with mainly older material, used and */** including offices abroad, Russian stamps with Finnish cancellations and Levant in box
1888/1990 collection used and from 1970 onwards mainly ** years including miniature sheets
1889/1991 stock */** including better items, complete sheets and booklets in stockbook and 2 binders
1866/1982 large stock including Ukraine mainly used in 3 stockbooks
1870-1990c. stock used and */** including older material, better stamps and sets */**, sheetparts, territories, former Soviet states etc. in 13 stockbooks/albums/folders in large box
1880c onwards stock used and */**, large quantity in 16 stockbooks in box