Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
1943 - 1967 collection Westbank, Transjordan, Palestine including better items, varieties/ errors, postmarks including covers in binder
1920 -1964 good collection mostly */** with many better ex. and sets including some forgeries, specimen set (SG 159s-171s *), postage dues, obligatory tax stamps, etc. in Safe album
1920 - 2003 collection and stock */** with better items (Transjordan SG 199a * 2x, SG 571-578 imperf **, Birds set SG 627-629 perf and imperf ** ), miniature sheets, etc. in 3 stockbooks
1948-1967 collection Westbank, Palestine including postal history, postmarks (Jericho, Aqabat Jabr, Ramallah, Bir Zeit, El Bira, Jifna, Bethlehem, Beth Lahem, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, Battir, Jerusalem, Beit Hanina, Shufat, Abu-Dees, Abu Dis, Ettur, Jabal, Thoury, etc.) in 2 binders and folder
1925 onwards stock mostly used in 2 stockbooks