Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- (-) Remove Duitsland filter Duitsland
- Bezetting WOI en gerelateerde gebieden (3) Apply Bezetting WOI en gerelateerde gebieden filter
- Duits Bezetting en Veldpost WOII (1) Apply Duits Bezetting en Veldpost WOII filter
- Duitse Koloniën en buitenlandse postkantoren (1) Apply Duitse Koloniën en buitenlandse postkantoren filter
- Duitse Rijk (18) Apply Duitse Rijk filter
- Duitse Staten (5) Apply Duitse Staten filter
- Duitsland na 1945 (21) Apply Duitsland na 1945 filter
- (-) Remove Duitsland filter Duitsland
1886/1923 collection used and */** including Feldpost and Channel Islands in stockbook
1914 - 1918 collection postal history c. 65 items, neatly described in Lindner album
1915/1944 North German states collection with Danzig, Port Gedansk, Allenstein, Marienwerde, Memel and General Governement. Often collected both used and */**, partly specialised with better material (including forgeries) in stockbook
1947/1959 * (almost) complete collection including the Hochwasserhilfe (flood relief) sheets in binder
1945/1949 collection Soviet and French zone mainly */** with better material among others Goethe sheets (2x), Thuringen sheet (certificated) and se tenants, Ost. Sachsen Mi B1 (certificated), Weimar sheets (5x), varieties etc. in binder
1945/1949 specialized collection including types, varieties, sheet parts in stockbook
1914/1958, collection with Occupation WW I and WWII, Allied Zones, Local issues 1945 and Saar used and unused with better material in 5 stokbooks
1850/2000c covers, postcards and postal stationery (over 1000 ex.) including better, uprated stationery, registered, advertisement covers, allied zones, German states, postmarks, fieldpost etc. In addition some covers Netherlands in large box
1850 onwards postmarks collection over 1700 ex. in stockbook
1872 onwards including German Empire with mainly used sets and duplicates, better Serbia */** occupation sets, Occupied Zone Baden, Rheinland, Wurttemberg */** sets and miniature sheets etc. in 9 stockbooks and folder in box
1872/ 1990c. including Third Reich, Berlin, Old States, Saar etc. including better sets, Se tenants and some covers in in 5 stockbooks
1920/1990 collections Danzig, Saar, Berlin, FRG and GDR used and */** with better material in 5 albums and folder in small box