Veiling 255 september 2022
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Enkele hoogtepunten:
• Mooi Nederland met variëteiten en rariteiten
• Emissie 1852 collectie Van Hoek
• Emissie 1864 collectie Wim Warburg
• Puntstempels collectie Van Alteren
• Originele landenverzamelingen
• Prentbriefkaarten
• Numismatiek, w.b. veel grote partijen
1858/1957 extensive almost complete collection that is collected both used and */** with many better (**) stamps and sets (some regummed) including Mi.1,6, 10,12 * (reprints), Mi. 177, 1929 landscapes */**, Rotary, Wipa, Catholic day etc. in 2 stockbooks
1958/2019 colllection mainly ** years including booklets and miniature sheets (High face value!) in 5 stockbooks
1850/1914 cancellations, extensive collection starting with issue 1850 arranged by country and city, large number in 2 albums. Added some literature.
1850/1976 partly specialized collection used and */** with many better stamps and sets (Rotary, FIS etc.), occupied zones including 1918 fieldpost Italy, non issued imperforated local post etc. in 4 ring binders
1910/1992, collection mainly */** with many better sets including 80th Birthday Franz-Joseph, Rotary, FIS, WIPA on normal and on granite paper, Siege of Vienna etc. in Marini album
1850/1991, stock mainly used with many better classics (partly sticked to the pages) in 3 small stockbooks
1890 - 1999 collection used later */** with better items (Dolfuss *) and sets on Leuchtturm album leaves in 2 small boxes
1850/1922c stock partly specialized on type, with better material, Back of the Book, local issues etc. in 11 stockbooks
1919/2012 stock */** with many better items (Mi. nos 838-853, 893-926, 911, 952-954, 984-987 etc.), some face value, large number of sets and miniature sheets in 8 stockbooks and 2 ringbinders
2000-2014c. face value (approx. €770 according to consignor) including some older material in stockbook
1850/2001 collection used and */** including better items and some Bosnia in 3 Safe albums and Davo album
1919/2000 collection */** including better sets in 2 Davo albums