Veiling 213
25 Mei - 2 Juni 2012
Weergave 1 - 12 van 12
Veiling 213
Opening: 100 €
Sieger 31A
6 M
Wereldrondvlucht van de Graf Zeppelin, envelop traject Tokio-Los Angeles met Japanse frankering, pracht ex. , cat.w. 500
Veiling 213
Opening: 500 €
Verkocht voor: 540 €
Michel 1
0 M
luchtpost 9½ - 33 sen, cat.w. 2000
Veiling 213
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 380 €
SG betw.428-438
0 M
Vickers Viscount 1961 airmail 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10,15 and 20p. all in vertical imperf pairs, very fine unmounted mint, ex.Thoden collection, the 3p. with doubled frame, with certificate APAI 2003
Veiling 213
Opening: 40 €
Verkocht voor: 40 €
SG 433
Vickers Viscount 1961 airmail 6p. vertical imperf gutterpair, fine (folded in between and some gum disturbences)
Veiling 213
Opening: 50 €
Verkocht voor: 65 €
SG 484
0 M
Vickers Viscount 1961 airmail 6p. with a major perforation shift, very fine unmounted mint
Veiling 213
Opening: 60 €
Verkocht voor: 105 €
SG 589
Boeing 720B 1972 cartouche King Saud 5p. scarlet and dull green, very fine used ex., cat.v. £ 600
Veiling 213
Opening: 400 €
Verkocht voor: 1.500 €
SG 720
0 M
Boeing 720B 1975 cartouche King Faisal 5p. scarlet and dull green, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. £ 2750
Veiling 213
Opening: 60 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
SG 720
Boeing 720B 1975 cartouche King Faisal 5p. scarlet and dull green, very fine used, cat.v. £ 650
Veiling 213
Opening: 40 €
Verkocht voor: 40 €
SG 735
0 M
Boeing 720B 1970 cartouche King Faisal 20p. emerald and olive-brown, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. £ 275
Veiling 213
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 330 €
SG 742
0 M
Boeing 720B 1975 cartouche King Faisal 50p. indigo and green, very fine unmounted mint - a rare stamp - , unpriced by SG.
Veiling 213
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 140 €
SG 742, 744
Boeing 720B 1974-1975 cartouche King Faisal 50p. indigo and green and 200p. brownish black and dull purple, very fine used, unpriced by SG.
Veiling 213
Opening: 150 €
6 M
7 luchtpostbrieven vanaf 1933 w.v. gecensureerd naar Ned.-Indië