Veiling 215
12 - 19 Januari 2013
Weergave 1 - 5 van 5
Veiling 215
Opening: 75 €
Edward VII 1d. on 4 d. black and red on yellow (never authorised for postal use), a fine to very fine ex., signed Holcombe, cat.v. £ 250
Veiling 215
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 260 €
SG 54,62/3,72,74
Edward VII, 8/- Crown CA, 2/- and 4/- Multi Crown CA and changed colours 2/- and 8/- all very fine mounted mint ex., cat.v. £ 865
Veiling 215
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 180 €
SG 55
Edward VII £1 deep purple and black/red a fine unused ex. (some paper rests on gum side) with BPA certificate 1982 stating : large part originel gum, cat.v. £ 550
Veiling 215
Opening: 50 €
Verkocht voor: 95 €
SG 105-107
George V 5/-, 10/- and 1£ very fine mounted mint ex. (10/- corner marginal with plate number **), cat.v. £ 228
Veiling 215
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 90 €
SG 29
Britannia (9d) dull magenta with certificate Peter Holcombe 1989 stating : unused with part original gum is in my opinion genuine, the stamp shows a rather unusual print (dry) at its lower half, a fine ex., cat.v. £ 800