Veiling 244
11-13 juni 2020
Weergave 1 - 12 van 14
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 200 €
Michel 825
Star and Crescent 500 piaster green, very fine mounted mint, cat.v. 3200 (as **)
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
Michel 913-934
Sivas 10 para - 250 kurus, some values some offset on reverse, cat.v. 1250
Veiling 244
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 75 €
Michel 985-999
Congress of the International Alliance of Women in Istanbul 20 para - 100 kurus, very fine mounted mint, cat.v. 1300 (as **)
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 130 €
Michel 985-999
Suffragettes 20 para - 100 kurus on large format envelop with special cachet Istanbul 22-4-1935, fine/very fine (envelop vertical crease, some low values minor toning), cat.v. 750+

Veiling 244
Opening: 500 €
Verkocht voor: 500 €
collection 1865-1957 used and * with many better stamps and sets on album leaves

Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 110 €
and Cilicia collection 1865-1949 including varieties. Used and * on album pages
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
2 cholera letters from Constantinople to Triest and Genova resp. dated 9-3-1836 and 19-7-1838. Both have been desinfected at Semlin (cachet Sigillum Sanitatis Semlinensis on reverse), very fine
Veiling 244
Opening: 40 €
Verkocht voor: 55 €
Child Welfare 2½ lira greybrown and red and 10 lira violet and red * (Mi.194-195), very fine mounted mint, cat.v. 1400 (as **)

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 700 €
collection 1876-2007 collected both */** and used in 8 Lindner ring binders and stockbook
Veiling 244
Opening: 240 €
1863 until approx. 1940 used and */** including duplicates and some local post in stockbook
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 300 €
collection mostly older material used and */** with some better ex. in 2 stockbooks
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 170 €
collection 1946-2004 used and */** with duplicates in 3 albums