Veiling 244
11-13 juni 2020
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Weergave 1 - 12 van 63
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
I.C.C. Dutch Mission. Postal Stationery Skanderbeg 5 qint from Vlonë 17-12-1913 to Assen (Netherlands) with the cachet of the Dutch Mission in violet, fine (some wrinkles and one stamp missing). The card was written by Colonel Thomson, the second-in-command of the mission, who was killed in action in June 1914.
Veiling 244
Opening: 75 €
World War I, prisoner of war card from camp Mauthausen (Oberösterreich), purple Offiziersstation für Kriegsgefangene/ in Mauthausen to Italy by Red Cross, written 19.3.16, arrival 20.4.16, 4 different censor markings
Veiling 244
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 80 €
Michel 18
Franz Joseph 10 centimes red on picture postcard from Saloniki 11-1-1913 to Amsterdam (Netherlands) with special cachet Ambulance de la Croix Rouge Neerlandaise en Grece in red, very fine
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
Fe 1I
Coat of Arms 1 kreuzer black, lithographic printing, perforated 10½, on local newspaper wrapper K. und K. MILIT POST SARAJEWO XXXII 23/12/96 (23 inverted), very fine, cat.v. 700
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Fe 4I, 3II
Coat of Arms 2 kreuzer yellow typographic printing perforated 10½ and 3 kreuzer green lithographic printing perforated 10½, mixed franking on cover K. und K. MILIT. POST PRIJEDOR 14/3/96 to Linz, on reverse transit Zadar/Zara, very fine
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
Fe 8II
Coat of Arms 20 kreuzer olivegreen typographic printing, perforated 10½ on reverse off registered letter K.und K. MILIT. POSTXVIII DOL.TUZLA 25/11/96 to Munich, (10 kreuzer postage and 10 kreuzer registration fee), fine/very fine (small crease) with 2001 Jovan Velickovic certificate, cat.v. 2250 Very rare single franking!
Veiling 244
Opening: 600 €
Verkocht voor: 600 €
collection of 19 covers and cards 1882-1906 with Coat of Arms issues including 2 wrappers with the ½ kreuzer. and 2 registered covers
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
Fe 33
Landscapes 10 heller red perforation 13½ with K. und K MILIT. POST SARAJEWO 5/3/08 on cover to Vienna with arrival cancel, very fine. Rare perforation on cover!

Veiling 244
Opening: 700 €
Verkocht voor: 700 €
Fe 1, 3
collection of 8 reply coupons, all used with arrival cancels, number 1 (3 different types incuding 26.10.1907 first month of issue), 3 with changed rates, 5x changed, (33, 38, 52, 66 and 50), 28 to 52, 28 to 33 and 52 and number 3 (2x), all very fine
Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 340 €
collection of over 200 (un)used picture postcards (including better cancellations) in album
Veiling 244
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 75 €
Michel 559 etc
Esperanto envelop with colourful franking from Sofia 20-4-1947 addressed to the later famous Dutch prime-minister Willem Drees (Pm 1948-1958) in Amsterdam (NL)., very fine
Veiling 244
Opening: 400 €
Verkocht voor: 1.000 €
Yvert 29B
Empire Lauré 20 centimes blue (5x including 2 pairs) on cover 15-1-1871 transported by Boule de Moulins to Paris (arrival mark 18-2-1871 on reverse), fine/very fine with 2019 Christian Calves certificate. When Paris was besieged by the Germans in 1870-1871 the Boule (a hollow bullit) was a way to get mail to Paris. The Boule was filled with letters and thrown in the Seine, the purpose was the Boule floating downstream to Paris were it had to be recovered. Unluckily none of the Boules ever reached Paris. The contents of the recovered Boules were smuggled in to Paris by feet.