Veiling 244
11-13 juni 2020
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Weergave 25 - 36 van 63
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Michel 17, 21
Victor Emanuel II 10 centesimi orange brown and 60 centesimi violet on cover from Naples 19-8-1867 via Lanslebourg to Amsterdam (Netherlands), very fine
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Michel block 33
Olympic Games Tokyo 1964 1 rouble in olive green and red on fdc 31-7-1964, very fine, cat.v. 600
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 130 €
Michel 985-999
Suffragettes 20 para - 100 kurus on large format envelop with special cachet Istanbul 22-4-1935, fine/very fine (envelop vertical crease, some low values minor toning), cat.v. 750+

Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 200 €
over 25 mainly better covers/postal stationery including registered, express, censored, foreign destinations etc. nicely arranged on album leaves

Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 220 €
6 M
collection airmail covers/postcards between 1912 and 1938 including Rhein und Main (7 ex.), 1 Gelber Hund, Zeppelin mail etc. totally 14 items on album leaves
Veiling 244
Opening: 50 €
Verkocht voor: 50 €
50 Field Post Letters 1940-1948 several including their contents with written remarks and purple cancellations Zurück (different types) and Zurück an Absender/ Empfänger vermischt or gefallen für Grossdeutschland, Luftpost stamps, etc. in mixed quality

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 480 €
6 M
first official UK aerial post 1911, collection 10 ex. (postcards and envelopes) in mixed quality including some interesting destinations (Siloah Jamaica, Holland, Germany etc.) on album leaves
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 160 €
and Hungary, ca. 40 covers/postal stationery including better Airmail

Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 200 €
ca. 40 19th century covers including some better frankings
Veiling 244
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 95 €
postal history 8 entires and 1 front including Baden, Bavaria, Thurn and Taxis etc.
Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 300 €
6 M
4 better Zeppelin letters 1929-1931, Sieger 30Ad, 57aa, 57H and 119C, fine/very fine
Veiling 244
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 75 €
Postcard 3 kopeke red 1917 (Mi. 63) franked with Coat of Arms 1 kopeke orange to Las Cascades (Canal Zone), redirected many times in vain and returned as dead letter to Russia and Latvia cover franked with Coat of Arms 3 kopeke green and black, 5 kopeke lilac and black and 20 kopeke blue and orange (Mi. 19, 20, 22) from Riga 17-10-1871 via Erquelines and Paris to Bordeaux, fine/very fine (cover 2 horizontal creases) Nice 3-colour franking!