Veiling 244
11-13 juni 2020
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Weergave 37 - 48 van 63
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
2 cholera letters from Constantinople to Triest and Genova resp. dated 9-3-1836 and 19-7-1838. Both have been desinfected at Semlin (cachet Sigillum Sanitatis Semlinensis on reverse), very fine

Veiling 244
Opening: 1.500 €
Verkocht voor: 1.600 €
collection from 1849 onwards including many covers with better ex. and sets, some forgeries in 14 ringbinders and envelope
Veiling 244
Opening: 500 €
collection of over 60 19th century franked covers including foreign destinations (a.o. Mexico), frankings, cancellations (a.o. Bureau de Passe), posted in Algeria, due etc. in small ring binder
Veiling 244
Opening: 400 €
Verkocht voor: 750 €
6 M
and some other countries, aviation history mostly used picture postcards, some letters, signatures, labels, etc. totally ca. 65 items neatly described in Lindner ringbinder

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 320 €
postal history including better covers (Yv. 19, 25 (4x) and 37 on cover to Metzerul Germany), including some other countries (envelope Japan with Michel 63 on illustrated cover Kobe to Philadelphia)
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 140 €
stock */** and used starting in 1885 with better material in 2 stockbooks
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
postal stationery, some covers and picture postcards, mainly unused approx 130 ex. in small box
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
85 old letters without stamps about 1840-1850, many cancellations R2 and K2 Lüneburg, in small box
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 340 €
125 letters and some post cards 1933-1940 with better frankings as Nothilfe 1934 (including 20, 25 and 40 Pf.), Ostropa 1935 in block of 4 and Nothilfe 1935, in album
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 160 €
over 250 letters 1920-1923 with some better frankings in small box
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 140 €
over 200 postal stationery used and unused and Saar Hochwasser-minisheet with forged cancellation on cover in small box
Veiling 244
Opening: Doe een bod
Verkocht voor: 150 €
collection covers, photographs and documents concerning the Jewish soldier Isaac Rothenberg from Nuremberg who fought in World War I in binder