Veiling 244
11-13 juni 2020
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Weergave 373 - 384 van 922
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
Envelope (12½ cent) to Trondheim 15 April 1940 and printed matter (2½ cent) to Oslo 15 April 1940, both with label (slightly different) Terug afzender/ Postverbinding met/ Noorwegen tijdelijk/ verbroken. (back to sender, Postal connection with Norway temporarily severed), on April 9, German troops attacked Norway (operation Weserübung), small toned spot
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
3 free of postage inland letters, all dated 9 May 1940 (1 day before invasion on 10 May), Harlingen-Dordrecht with Verbinding verbroken/ Retour afzender (connection severed, return to sender), and 2 from Limburg (Nuth and Maastricht) with German (Cöln) censor label
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
6 M
3 air mail letters to the Netherlands, from Netherlands Indies 8.5.1940 with Indies and Singapore censor and red RETOUR AFZENDER/ postverbinding opgeheven, from Palestine (2 perf. holes) Jerusalem 10 May 40, censored and, on reverse, written no service and cancel return to, and from South Africa 15.V.40, censored with purple mail service suspended/ postdienst gestaakt
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
Flag stamp Vacantie/ in Vredig/ Vaderland (Holiday in Peaceful Fatherland) on 2 postcards, 's-Gravenhage 10.V.1940-Eindhoven and Groningen 12.V.1940-Schiedam (third day of the invasion), last one with red terug afzender/retour á l'expéditeur
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
Postcard 3 on 4 cent Kollum-Scheveningen 9.V.1940 (sent from Kollum) with Verbinding Verbroken/ Retour Afzender (broken connection, return to sender), and on May 24 remailed with pair 1½ cent gray dove (after restoration of postal service)

Veiling 244
Opening: 750 €
Verkocht voor: 750 €
18 letters and postcards 1940, 8 May, 9 May (6x), 10 May (3x), 11 May, 13 May, 16 May (2x), 17 May, 18 May, 21 May (2x) and 31 May, all abroad with cancels or labels return sender, many different, and to different countries including Argentina, Curaçao, Denmark, Estonia, Liechtenstein, Netherlands East Indies, Romania and Sweden
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 160 €
Postcard with 3 cent Dove and 5 cent Queen Wilhelmina Amsterdam-Batavia 22.VI.1940 by Trans-Siberian and Trans-Manchurian railways and then by ship via South Korea and Japan, German and Neth.Indies censor, arrival 25.5.41, see The Paper Trail Chapter 5
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 300 €
2 envelopes June 8 and June 22, both 1940 to Neth. Indies, arrival censor 10.4.41 and 18.2.41, both label Censor office Batavia. When reading enclosed letter from occupied territory remember that it was written in the knowledge that it had to pass the German censor. ...., air mail envelope Amsterdam-USA January 23, 1941 with 20 and 25 cent, German censor and postcard 7½ cent Amsterdam-Shanghai 10.IX.1940 with German censor
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
(Air mail) letter with 2½ cent Dove and pair 5 cent Queen Wilhelmina Amsterdam-Batavia 31 May 1940 via Italy by steamer, Neth.Indies censor, arrival 21.2.1941, and forwarded to New York
Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 240 €
5 letters to abroad, 26.VI.1940 to Belgium, 9 VII.1940 to Belgium (better label from Post- en Telegraaf-/ kantoor UTRECHT/ afd. ''EXPEDITIE-/ BRIEFPOST'' ), 12.X.1940 to Lille, 24.VI.1942 to Estonia and 1.XI.1943 to Italy, all cancel or labels return to sender in different forms
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 240 €
Envelope with 5 cent Queen Wilhelmina Sneek-Midsland (Terschelling) 14.VIII.1940, with VERTRAGING DOOR/ VERZENDFOUT (delayed by mistake in sending), when the letter arrived Terschelling was a restricted area, all non-residents were forced to leave (by German commander Helmut Klett) and forwarded from Midsland 16.VIII.1940 to Baarn

Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 320 €
6 M
7 (air mail) envelopes May 1940-January 1941 to abroad including October 1940 Amsterdam-Manilla-Singapore, November 1940 Amersfoort-Shanghai, November 1940 's-Gravenhage-Rio de Janeiro and October 1940 Ommen-New York (cancel Held by British and jan 1946 released)