Veiling 244
11-13 juni 2020
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Weergave 385 - 396 van 922

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 240 €
8 envelopes April-May 1940 from abroad to the Netherlands, including 1 from Surinam (delivered after 5½ years to Maastricht 3.XII.1945, open 4), Neth. Indies (German censor), 2 from Germany (including label Postsperre aufgehoben, mail embargo finished), British India, France (with label Amsterdam Maart 1948/ Door oorlogsomstandigheden/ met vertraging ontvangen), Switzerland and Philippines (cancel this article has been held/ by the office of censorship)
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 260 €
6 letters September 1940-May 1943, all to Germany and refused by the censor (cancels or labels Zurück, Terug afzender, Retour) and, some with indications such as no picture postcards, no stamps or indication on label
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 360 €
Registered insured (Hfl.5000,-) letter with 50, 100 and 250 cent tralie from Amsterdam 24.X.1940 to Danzig (content Danzig stamps for expertising), cancels Zurück (return) and Verweigert (refused, probably addressee refused to pay import duty) with German censor and cancel Ausfuhr erfolgt auf Grund von/ Devisengenehmigung Nr. ....(permit to transfer stamps), with 400 cent only 7½ cent overfranked for a letter of 88 gram
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
Postcard Amsterdam 23.IV.1941 to Nice, with red Zurück!/ Postverkehr nicht/ zugelassen and letter Rotterdam 13.X.1943 to Marseilles with label Postkantoor te Rotterdam/ RETOUR AFZENDER/ Verzending niet toegelaten/ K 1124/ Bedrijfsnr 0/1902/407 (rare label)
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Censored letter with 12½ cent Dove from 's-Gravenhage 28.X.1941 to Long Island New York, sent by train through Berlin (german 'b' censor) to Lisbon, on ship to US, stopped by the British in Bermuda (due to Roosevelts declaration of war to Germany, December 11) and censored with Examiner 2019 and written I.C. (Imperial censorship station), a very rare marking on Dutch post (probably only one known)
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 460 €
4 censored letters November 1941-January 1942 to Dutch Indies, from USA November 13 to Batavia (arrived December 4) December 14 to Sumatra (suspended/ return to sender), Switzerland January 28 to Soerabaja (with Capetown censor and returned to sender) and South Africa December 8 to Bandoeng, arrived 22 December
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 200 €
Letter from Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale La Haye to Florissant Genève with 12½ cent Dove 6.XII.1941 (on July 15, 1940, the Nazis closed the Court and all members moved to Switzerland, except the Dutch), censored 'e' (Frankfurt), only a few letters known from the Dutch magistrate, who remained in The Hague (see The Paper Trail, Chapter 14.5)
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 120 €
Air mail letter Beverwijk 10.XII.1941 to USA with child welfare 2½, 5 (4x) and 7½ cent (3x) with blue framed censor Zurück - Retour/ kein Postverkehr - A.B.P. (return sender, no connection), December 10, 3 days after Pearl Harbor and the day before the US declared war on Germany, only handstamp of the Auslands Brief Prüfstelle without censor sealing or handstamp
Veiling 244
Opening: 50 €
Verkocht voor: 70 €
Card with 7½ cent Dove from Voorburg 3.VII.1942 to concentration camp Miranda de Ebro Spain with Spanish censors Madrid and San Sebastian

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 460 €
16 censored letters and parcel and postcards from the Netherlands to or from labour camps in Germany and occupied countries (including Retour Afzender/ Geen Postverbinding, return sender/no connection), purple framed Arbeiterpost on letter from French coast and black unframed Arbeiterpost on letter from Belgian coast with Feldpost and postcard 5 cent to Ravensburg 26 March 1945, intercepted by the Allies and label Terug aan den afzender with Dutch censor

Veiling 244
Opening: 400 €
Verkocht voor: 1.800 €
16 letters and forms from German camps in the Netherlands Camp Haaren, Westerbork (including banknotes of 10 and 100 cent), Amersfoort, Scheveningen (Oranje Hotel), Sint-Michelsgestel and Vught (with not hide letters baked in bread, in marmalade bars, etc..... and some others
Veiling 244
Opening: 200 €
Registered letter with declared value (50 Reichsmark) from Rotterdam Calandstraat to Stuttgart 18.XII.43, Cologne 'c' censor and with 2 Cologne OKW wax seals. Seals very rare, only a few letters known, second rate letter with just 30 cent rate