Veiling 244
11-13 juni 2020
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Weergave 397 - 408 van 922
Veiling 244
Opening: 50 €
Verkocht voor: 130 €
registered letter with 20 cent Bussum Stationsplein 30.VIII.1944 to Bruxelles, German censor label Cöln OKD (c) and cancel Zurück/ keine Verbindung/ bpa 10 Köln-Deutz (return. no connection), on September 3 Bruxelles was liberated by the Allies
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
5 domestic letters with German censor (4x Cologne and 1 Münich), 1 with red Brievenbus/Aus dem Briefkasten (not delivered at the post office)

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 650 €
Deutsche Dienstpost Niederlande 23 letters and cards including postcard 6 Pf. KLV Lager Bösegrunde Sudetenland 15.3.45 to Amsterdam, German franking used in the Netherlands, postage free Fieldpost, registered, blind cancellations, red Zurück an den Absender/ neue Anschrift abwarten (return sender/ wait for the new address) on censored letter, letter with Mussert seal and letter with Absender nicht zur Benutzung/ der Deutsche Dienstpost/ Niederlande zugelassen (sender not permitted to use the DDPN)

Veiling 244
Opening: 500 €
Verkocht voor: 900 €
32 letters and cards from (and some to) the Netherlands and 10 single labels, all returned with cancels or labels, many with reason as no picture cards, der Poststelle vorzuführen (show to the customs office), printed matter not allowed, submit unfranked, no philatelic items, no content found, stamp removed by censor and Zurück wegen vorschriftswidriger Beschaffenheit (return because of unauthorized nature)

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
Verkocht voor: 300 €
Liberation 1944-1945, 21 letters including 3x blue No. 8 SQDN NETHERLANDS . AIR . FORCES, purple Niet toegelaten on letter Laren (N.H.)-Rijswijk 19.V.1945, Terug Afzender/ niet toegelaten on 2 letters February and March 1945 (both open 4), permits for mail as DIENST NOTARISSEN (notary service) on local letter Goes 1.V.1945 (open 4), permit for printed matter

Veiling 244
Opening: 300 €
(Not) restoration postal services, 22 letters April 1945-November 1945 including Terug afzender Niet toegelaten (return sender/ not permitted), returned printed matter (birth announcement), censored (Eindhoven) postcard Bergen op Zoom-Canada December 27, 1944, BPM (Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij) via London to Curaçao 29.I.45, and many not permitted as postcard to Norway 26.V.1945 (open 4), letter to Switzerland, postcard to Italy 24.V.1945, postcard to Germany 25.5.45, letters to Sweden and permitted air mail letters to Sweden, Australia and Dutch Indies

Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
9 letters February-August 1945 with language indications such as purple VLAAMSCHE TAAL, typed Nederlands, written In Hollandsche taal geschreven, labels Terug aan den afzender./ Alleen brieven in de Nederlandsche, Fransche, Engelsche en Duitsche taal zijn ter verzending toegelaten (return sender. Only letters in Dutch, French, English and German permitted) on 2 letters Amsterdam-Estonia 14.VI.1945, cancel gebruikte taal/ niet aangeduid. (used language not indicated) on letter from Belgium 9.VII.1945, cancel FRANÇOIS (letter from Belgium 14.VII.1945)
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
6 letters May 1945-November 1945 including to troops of the British liberation army, Retour afzender/ NIET toegelaten (return sender/ not permitted) on birth announcement and O.A.T. (onward air transmission) on letter to Praha (sent by plane via England)
Veiling 244
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
letter with 7½ cent Tiel-Terneuzen 4. IX (1944 very weak) with English censor label (in use 1-15 November 1944) and letter (tear) with 7½ cent Amsterdam-Hoek 6.9.1944 with Netherlands censor from Eindhoven (in use after 15 November), on September 5 Dolle Dinsdag (Mad Tuesday)
Veiling 244
Opening: 150 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
2 envelopes with 7½ cent Woerden-Kats 8.10.1944 (with interesting content) and 23.10.1944 with cancels VERBINGING VERBROKEN/ RETOUR AFZENDER (connection broken, return to sender with spelling error) and Onbereikbaar/ RETOUR afzender (inaccessible return to sender), both due to the Battle of the Schelde, slightly toned

Veiling 244
Opening: 1.000 €
24 letters September 1944-January 1945 within Netherlands, mainly from/to South (liberated areas) with different cancels and labels Terug afzender (return to sender) in many different types and colors (red, purple, blue and black) including spelling errors VERBINGING and VERBINDGING
Veiling 244
Opening: 50 €
Verkocht voor: 80 €
Envelope with 7½ cent from Utrecht-Station 18.IX.1944 to 's-Hertogenbosch, delayed because of the fighting, with Dutch censor label, on 19.IV.1945 (cancel with open 4) forwarded to Nijmegen, slightly toned