Veiling 245-246
24-26 September 2020
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- Albanië (3) Apply Albanië filter
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- België (51) Apply België filter
- Bosnië en Herzegovina (219) Apply Bosnië en Herzegovina filter
- Bulgarije (2) Apply Bulgarije filter
- Centraal-Litouwen (1) Apply Centraal-Litouwen filter
- Denemarken (15) Apply Denemarken filter
- Duitsland (139) Apply Duitsland filter
- Estland (2) Apply Estland filter
- Finland (8) Apply Finland filter
- Frankrijk (77) Apply Frankrijk filter
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- Groot-Brittannië (98) Apply Groot-Brittannië filter
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- Italy (28) Apply Italy filter
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- Litouwen (6) Apply Litouwen filter
- Luxemburg (10) Apply Luxemburg filter
- Monaco (4) Apply Monaco filter
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- Noorwegen (7) Apply Noorwegen filter
- Oostenrijk (38) Apply Oostenrijk filter
- Polen (9) Apply Polen filter
- Portugal (6) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugese Koloniën (2) Apply Portugese Koloniën filter
- Roemenië (10) Apply Roemenië filter
- Rusland (Poccия) (23) Apply Rusland (Poccия) filter
- San Marino (2) Apply San Marino filter
- Scandinavië (8) Apply Scandinavië filter
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- Spanje (9) Apply Spanje filter
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- Turkije (9) Apply Turkije filter
- Vaticaanstad (6) Apply Vaticaanstad filter
- West-Europa (9) Apply West-Europa filter
- Zwitserland (118) Apply Zwitserland filter
- Servië (1) Apply Servië filter
Weergave 37 - 48 van 992
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 75 €
Fe 6 Ia
Coat of Arms 10 kreuzer blue lithographic printing perforated 9¼, fine/very fine (shorter perf. at top) with 1986 Jovan Velickovic certificate, cat.v. 450
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 240 €
Fe 6 Ia
Coat of Arms 10 kreuzer blue lithographic printing perforated 9¼ in pair with good strike of the Zupanjac cds 9-12-1890, very fine, cat.v. 900+
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 150 €
Fe 6 Ia
Coat of Arms 10 kreuzer blue lithographic printing perforated 12½ in pair, right stamp with the constant "Q" error, very fine with 2006 Ulrich Ferchenbauer certificate, cat.v. 250+
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 500 €
Verkocht voor: 800 €
Fe 7 IB
0 1
Coat of Arms 15 kreuzer brown type B lithographic printing perforated 13 in block of 8 in which 2 stamps unmounted mint, very fine with 2020 Rüdiger Soecknick certificate, cat.v. 3000+ A rare multiple!
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 75 €
Verkocht voor: 220 €
Fe 9 Ia
Coat of Arms 25 kreuzer violet lithographic printing with the 1880 irregular 12 x 12 perforation, very fine with hardly visible hinge trace and 1986 Ulrich Ferchenbauer certificate, cat.v. 360+
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 400 €
Verkocht voor: 750 €
Fe 9 Ie
0 1
Coat of Arms 25 kreuzer purple lithographic printing perforated 10½ in block of 6 in which 5 stamps unmounted mint, very fine with 2017 Ulrich Ferchenbauer certificate, cat.v. 1835+
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 200 €
Verkocht voor: 360 €
Fe 2 II - 9 II
Coat of Arms 1 - 25 kreuzer typographic printing, imperforated proofs in the chosen colours in vertical pairs, 1 kreuzer on carton paper, the other values on thin paper, very fine, cat.v. 1250
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 100 €
Fe 2 II
Coat of Arms 2 kreuzer yellow typographic printing perforated 10½ in block of 10 with reversed watermark letters RKE, very fine unmounted mint with 2020 Rüdiger Soecknick certificate, cat.v. 320+
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 200 €
Fe 4 II
Coat of Arms 3 kreuzer green typographic printing perforated 10, very fine with 2001 Ulrich Ferchenbauer certificate, cat.v. 950
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 100 €
Verkocht voor: 100 €
Fe 8 II
Coat of Arms 20 kreuzer olive green typographic printing in strip of 5 with straight line cancellation Sarajevo in red and written date 16-4-1897 on fragment, very fine
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 100 €
Fe 1 I
Coat of Arms ½ kreuzer black lithographic printing perforated 10½ on newspaper wrapper locally in Sarajevo 6-5-1896, very fine, cat.v. 700
Veiling 245-246
Opening: 100 €
Fe 1 I
Coat of Arms ½ kreuzer black lithographic printing perforated 10½ on newspaper wrapper locally in Sarajevo 10-?-1896, very fine, cat.v. 700