Veiling 248-249 april 2021
Definitive postcard 3½ sen red with the rare provisional Marbau Kantorpos cancel, card was written 17-1-1944, very fine
Water Buffalo 1 cent with Dai Nippon overprint in violet in pair and Japan 3 sen green on money order to Taroetong with the rare Marbau Kantorpos cancel with written date 19-1-22 (22-1-1944), very fine
International Reply Coupon with IPL overprint in violet and definitives of 3½, 4 and 10 cents to make the correct 17½ cents tariff, very fine. Rare!
Padang, Water Buffalo 1 cent with Dai Nippon Yubin overprint on complete Sumatra Shinbun newspaper 23-5-1944, fine/very fine
Letter sheet 7½ cent violet with SE Borneo anchor in lilac (Bu. 206a) from Bandjermasin 4-10-1943 to Surabaya with excellent strikes of the Bandjermasin cds and censor mark, very fine. A rare item!
Post card 3½ sen gray with SE Borneo anchor in lilac from Tanah Grogot 19-8-1943 to Surabaya with rare local censor mark and censored in transit in Balikpapan, very fine
Numeral 5 cents with Samarinda anchor type 231 and Van Konijnenburg 15 cents with Makasser anchor type 111 on a request for information of receipt of a money order from Tenggarong 27-2-1945 to Makasser, very fine. The form used was a local Navy form X3, and investigated by the Celebes Investigate Department on 3-5-1945. Unusual mixed franking and excellent cancels on a rare document!
10 sen blue on postcard G. 4 from Jogjakarta 11-2-1946 via Red Cross in Djakarta to Fukien (China) with all the relevant cachets, very fine. Foreign destinations of Republic covers/cards are rare!
10 sen brown (2x) together with fiscal stamp 15 sen with ORI overprint on postcard Bu. no. RJ15 from Moentilan 16-7-1947 to Loemadjang, fine/very fine
Postcard 10 sen red Bu. no. RJ16 with cutting error philatelically used Medan 17-5-1947, very fine