Veiling 250-253 september 2021
Various Countries ca. 200 postcards types, with better in 2 albums
Animals 122 ex. mostly zoos in Europe pre-1950 in album
135 ex. mostly pre-1940 with better cards in album
270 ex. mostly pre-1940 with better topics in album
and different countries 360 ex. mostly pre-1940 with some better in album
ca. 100 postcards pre-1940 with better topics in 2 albums
around 350 postcards fantasy and photographic portraits all around 1920 in album
ca. 200 postcards fantasy and miscellaneous all pre 1940 in album
150 postcards fantasy and photographic images of e.g. ladies with hats all pre 1920 in album sleeves
170 postcards fantasy and photographic images of ladies etc. also embossed postcards all pre 1920 in album sleeves
150 postcards WWI mostly France and Germany in album
150 postcards mostly WWI in album