Veiling 250-253 september 2021
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- Scheepvaart (2) Apply Scheepvaart filter
- Scouting (1) Apply Scouting filter
- Strijdkrachten (4) Apply Strijdkrachten filter
- Zeppelin (1) Apply Zeppelin filter
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about 400 fantasy postcards both pre and post war in box
500 postcards miscellaneous lots of pre war ones in box
300 postcards mostly pre-1960 in box
ca. 500 postcards mostly ships pre-1960 in box
1300 postcards in 10 albums mostly pre-1940 with better subjects and embossed in box
and some foreign 300 postcards pre-1940 with better and 2 albums with photos in box
collection of postcards various subjects in 8 albums in a moving box
collection of 100's of postcards miscellaneous lots pre 1940 in 7 albums in large box
incl. lot of military and other subjects in big box
ca. 1200 postcards mostly pre-1950 in box
1000's of postcards of BRIDGES worldwide old and modern ones and some stamps of bridges added. 6 boxes in two large moving boxes
100's of postcards of various subjects many pre 1940 also some modern in large box