Veiling 258 Maart 2024
Enkele hoogtepunten:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Veldpost W.O.II en Propagandavervalsingen (o.a. collectie Dr. Keizer)
- Uitgebreide collectie Turkije
- Postwaardestukken Nederland (verhuiskaarten w.b. collectie Verhoeven)
- Veel originele collecties West-Europa en Engelse koloniën
Volgorde Veiling
Donderdag 14 Maart
09:00 1-314 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden
350-420 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden in dozen
13:00 450-953 Munten
Vrijdag 15 Maart
10:00 1000-1064 Prentbriefkaarten
10:30 1100-1611 Buitenland collecties en voorraden
1800-1936 Buitenland collecties en voorraden in dozen
Zaterdag 16 Maart
09:00 2000-2367 Nederland en O.R. losse nummers
11:00 2500-2633 Buitenland losse nummers
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
1926/2014 very nicely arranged collection airmail covers with approx. 190 items, mostly older, including covers combined with shipmail, send from Faroe Island, registed, better frankings, express, sensorship and interesting destinations in 2 albums
1851/2019 almost complete, mostly used collection with better items (incl. inverted frames), covers, back of the book with better Parcel post, booklets combinations, Danish West Indies etc. nicely arranged in 2 davo albums and folder
1874/1940, Star cancellations (Stjernestempler), comprehensive and advanced collection with ca.3200 stamps/fragments, 420 pairs and 4 covers with mostly different star cancellations (with & without stars). The postmarks are sorted on alphabet, mostly clear and full strikes with better items, e.g. Aarhus 3 (w.s.), CH.3 (w.s.), Faurbo, Gravlev (violet), Haarby (w.s), HL1 (violet) Jegindo (violet), Stenlille, Orre etc. (abbreviation "w.s."= without star) nicely arranged in 3 Leuchtturm albums
1864/1986 collection with 59 Danish advertisment pairs and panes (2x) etc. with many better items e.g. Buick, Mohawk Daek, Pontiac green, Oakland green, La Salle, Chevrolet Lastvogn, Oldmobile etc. on album pages in folder
1854/1910 specialised collection with 16 shipmail covers sent via the Korsor-Kiel (Germany) route with different types of the DPSK: POSTKT and DAMPSK:POST-SPED postmarks, used as departure postmarks or stamp cancellations including better items e.g. Three covers with the Royal Emblem 4 sc. 1857 issue cancelled with numeral postmarks and blue antiqua Dampsk: Post-Sped: nos. 2, 5 and 6-. One cover with Royal Emblem 4 sc. 1856 cancelled with numberless circle cancellation and black Dampsk: Post-Sped: No. 3 and 1. One cover with Royal Emblem 4 sc. 1857 cancelled with numeral postmarks and Dampsk: Post-sped: No. 5 and 6. 1 cover with Royal Emblem 4s 1864 (5x) on cover cancelled with numeral postmark '191' and Dampsk: Post-Sped: No. 4. 5 postcards sent from Germany with DPSK:POSTKT postmarks nos 1-4, nicely described on album pages in folder
1851/1936 collection used and * with better items incl. e.g. Mi. no. 2 (with 3 margins) on album leaves in folder
1920/1933 collection of 5 airmail covers including early airmail postcard from København 16-09-1920 to Germany (first opening of regular routes abroad was on 15-09-1920). Airmail cover, printed matter but treated as postcard from Høng to Paris. Airmail cover from København 16-02-1929 to Germany. Airmail cover from København 29-06-1931 to Switzerland and an airmail cover from København 31-05-1933 to London, UK. On album pages in folder
1890c./1967 collection steamship and ferry service Revenue stamps used and * on album leaves in folder
1854 onwards collection used and * with better items on album leaves and a remainder classic Belgium on album leaves in folder
1945-1960, 7 covers and 12 single stamps used in Thorshavn in folder
2 Rigsbankskilling blue Thiele printing, very fine with Arno Debo certificate (1991), cat.v. 900
airmail cover, not accepted as printed matter, from København 08-08-1925 to Chemnitz, Germany with the airmail issue of 1925 ( 143,145) and, fine/very fine