Veiling 258 Maart 2024
Enkele hoogtepunten:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Veldpost W.O.II en Propagandavervalsingen (o.a. collectie Dr. Keizer)
- Uitgebreide collectie Turkije
- Postwaardestukken Nederland (verhuiskaarten w.b. collectie Verhoeven)
- Veel originele collecties West-Europa en Engelse koloniën
Volgorde Veiling
Donderdag 14 Maart
09:00 1-314 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden
350-420 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden in dozen
13:00 450-953 Munten
Vrijdag 15 Maart
10:00 1000-1064 Prentbriefkaarten
10:30 1100-1611 Buitenland collecties en voorraden
1800-1936 Buitenland collecties en voorraden in dozen
Zaterdag 16 Maart
09:00 2000-2367 Nederland en O.R. losse nummers
11:00 2500-2633 Buitenland losse nummers
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- (-) Remove Frankrijk filter Frankrijk

1912c. onwards stock/collection Syria, Reunion, Indo Chine, Madagascar and a large stock Togo with mostly */** material, (some used classics), topical issues and sets in 5 stockbooks in box
1860c. onwards */** items and sets including Obock, Zanzibar, Morocco, Mayotte, Mojeli etc. on 2 stockbook pages in folder

1892/1940 various countries including Congo, Tunis, New Caledonia, Morocco, Alexandrie etc. used and * with better items on album leaves in folder

1897 onwards including German, British and West Cameroon mostly */** including better material and duplicates in stockbook

1892/1940c. collection used and * with better items and sets on album leaves in folder

1894/1940c. collection used and * with better items and sets on album leaves in folder
1886/1891 Alphée Dubois surcharged stamps (approx. 14) moslty * with better items on stockcard

1852/1940 collection used and * with better items and sets (some reprints) on album leaves in folder

1887/1940 collection used and * with better items and sets on album leaves in folder
Alphée Dubois surcharge 1887, MQE 15c. on 20 cents with variety shifted overprint in se tenant pair with overprint type I and type II, signed Kaz, very fine mounted mint, cat.v. 1700