Veiling 258 Maart 2024
Enkele hoogtepunten:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Veldpost W.O.II en Propagandavervalsingen (o.a. collectie Dr. Keizer)
- Uitgebreide collectie Turkije
- Postwaardestukken Nederland (verhuiskaarten w.b. collectie Verhoeven)
- Veel originele collecties West-Europa en Engelse koloniën
Volgorde Veiling
Donderdag 14 Maart
09:00 1-314 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden
350-420 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden in dozen
13:00 450-953 Munten
Vrijdag 15 Maart
10:00 1000-1064 Prentbriefkaarten
10:30 1100-1611 Buitenland collecties en voorraden
1800-1936 Buitenland collecties en voorraden in dozen
Zaterdag 16 Maart
09:00 2000-2367 Nederland en O.R. losse nummers
11:00 2500-2633 Buitenland losse nummers
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
Landscapes 1 heller - 5 kronen in blocks of 4, very fine unmounted mint (nrs. 29 and 31 hinge traces), cat.v. 1200
Jubilee 1 heller - 5 kronen in blocks of 4, very fine mounted mint, cat.v. 950
1976 Elisabeth 9p. deep violet error - imperf - block of four, unmounted mint, cat. £ 360
Duloz 10 para grey lilac with variety imperforate in block of 6 (Burak nr. 31 U), fine/very fine mounted mint, (light) crease in bottom stamps, cat.v. 600+
Crescent 20 para violet and green in block of 4, fine/very fine mounted mint
International Education Organisation, Pestalozzi and Père Girard complete in all colours in blocks of 4, very fine and all signed Zumstein, cat.v. CHF 1915
1841 2d. plate 3 RB-SC block of four good to large margins with an indistinct numeral cancellation cat. £ 1500
1841 2d. plate 4 CG-DI block of six good to large margins (horizontal scissor cut NE corner DI stamp) with St. Albans numeral 675, with 1996 BPA certificate, cat. £ 1350
1854 2d. plate 4 (Spec. F1, F1g small crown perf 16) a fine to very fine block of four SH-TI (SH, TH small crease) with the re-entry second state variety on TH, cancelled with the 441 Stratton numeral on refolded lettersheet to Taunton 1854 - scarce multiple on cover - with 2000 RPS certificate, cat. £ 1750
1855 2d. plate 5 (small crown perf 14) KE-LF a fine to very fine block of four (a few nibbled perfs on top of KF) with the scottish local cancellation of Pitt Street (Edinburgh), cat. £ 2500
1855 2d. plate 5 (large crown perf 14) a fine to very fine block of six cancelled with the 646 Ripon numeral - scarce multiple - cat. £ 1140+
1881 6d. grey watermark Crown sideways plate 2 (KG-LH) a very fine block of four cancelled with four good strikes of the Paisley cds 1881, cat. £ 600+