Veiling 258 Maart 2024
Enkele hoogtepunten:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Veldpost W.O.II en Propagandavervalsingen (o.a. collectie Dr. Keizer)
- Uitgebreide collectie Turkije
- Postwaardestukken Nederland (verhuiskaarten w.b. collectie Verhoeven)
- Veel originele collecties West-Europa en Engelse koloniën
Volgorde Veiling
Donderdag 14 Maart
09:00 1-314 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden
350-420 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden in dozen
13:00 450-953 Munten
Vrijdag 15 Maart
10:00 1000-1064 Prentbriefkaarten
10:30 1100-1611 Buitenland collecties en voorraden
1800-1936 Buitenland collecties en voorraden in dozen
Zaterdag 16 Maart
09:00 2000-2367 Nederland en O.R. losse nummers
11:00 2500-2633 Buitenland losse nummers
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- Albanië (2) Apply Albanië filter
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Balticum (3) Apply Balticum filter
- België (27) Apply België filter
- Bulgarije (1) Apply Bulgarije filter
- Denemarken (15) Apply Denemarken filter
- Duitsland (120) Apply Duitsland filter
- Finland (4) Apply Finland filter
- Fiume (1) Apply Fiume filter
- Frankrijk (40) Apply Frankrijk filter
- Griekenland (5) Apply Griekenland filter
- Groot-Brittannië (311) Apply Groot-Brittannië filter
- Hongarije (11) Apply Hongarije filter
- Ijsland (2) Apply Ijsland filter
- Italy (8) Apply Italy filter
- Joegoslavië (2) Apply Joegoslavië filter
- Kreta (KPhth) (1) Apply Kreta (KPhth) filter
- Kroatië (6) Apply Kroatië filter
- Liechtenstein (4) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Luxemburg (2) Apply Luxemburg filter
- Noorwegen (4) Apply Noorwegen filter
- Oost-Europa (5) Apply Oost-Europa filter
- Oost-Roemelië (1) Apply Oost-Roemelië filter
- Oostenrijk (34) Apply Oostenrijk filter
- Polen (7) Apply Polen filter
- Portugal (2) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugese Koloniën (4) Apply Portugese Koloniën filter
- Roemenië (2) Apply Roemenië filter
- Rusland (Poccия) (9) Apply Rusland (Poccия) filter
- Scandinavië (10) Apply Scandinavië filter
- Spanje (9) Apply Spanje filter
- Turkije (58) Apply Turkije filter
- Zweden (13) Apply Zweden filter
- Zwitserland (23) Apply Zwitserland filter

1849/1960 collection mosly used including many king Leopold stamps in stockbook

1849/1985 collection used and */** with better items and back of the book in 2 Schaubek albums

1863-1869, numeral cancels, over 300 ex. on various issues and values on leaves in folder

1886/1966 collection with Ruanda-Urundi, Burundi and Rwanda mostly */** with better sets and miniature sheets in Prinet album

1880-1885, collection used and */(*) with many better stamps, varieties and 3 post cards on stock pages in folder

1900/1914 collection used and * with better items including Turkish-, French-, Austrian- and Italian occupation on album leaves in folder

1941-1945 exhibition collection WWII postal stationery cards (over 90 cards) including many Yugoslavia cards used as forerunners (Mi. nos. 77-79, 85 including uprated, express, local Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska hand cancels), specialised provisional overprints Mi. no. P1, extensive landscapes, registered, censorship, airmail, some destinations (Switzerland), additionally franked for the benefit of the Red cross, Sibenik (Italian postcards, P4 used 2x), 1 landscape card addressed to Jewish internee in concentration camp Ferramonti-Tarsia with 2009 P. Zrinjscak certificate: seh selten. The collection is extensively described and documented in Dutch and nicely arranged on exhibition pages in a small box.

1941-1945 WWII postal stationery cards (over 200 cards) almost all used with many better ex. including Yugoslavia cards used as forerunners, uprated, provisional overprints Mi. no. P1 specified on types, extensive landscapes, registered, censorship, airmail, some destinations (Belgium, Sweden), additionally franked for the benefit of the Red cross, Sibenik (Italian postcards) etc. in 2 Leuchtturm albums

1918/1924 collections (2x) mostly */** with * many better items (some forgeries) on album leaves in folder

1849/1988 almost complete collection used and from 1902 onwards mostly */** with many better items (some regummed) e.g. Ceres 1 fr., Napoleon 5 fr. Bordeaux, Congres de Bordeaux, Le Havre, Transatlantique etc. back of the book with a good section preobliteres, airmail, postage dues, miniature sheets (Yv. nos 2,3,6,) etc. in 4 Davo albums

1877/2002 collection mostly ** with many better items e.g. Merson, Orphans, Mineraline (Semeuse), 5 fr. Sage, caisse d'Amortissement, airmail Yv. nos 1,2 and 15, miniature sheets (Pexip, Philatec etc.), booklets, back of the book etc. in 4 Leuchtturm albums

2003/2019 almost complete collection mostly ** including many extra booklets, minature sheets, presentation packs, autocollants, fete du timbre, timbre en argent etc. in 7 albums in large box