Veiling 258 Maart 2024
Enkele hoogtepunten:
- 'Ramones' Collection of Great Britain
- Veldpost W.O.II en Propagandavervalsingen (o.a. collectie Dr. Keizer)
- Uitgebreide collectie Turkije
- Postwaardestukken Nederland (verhuiskaarten w.b. collectie Verhoeven)
- Veel originele collecties West-Europa en Engelse koloniën
Volgorde Veiling
Donderdag 14 Maart
09:00 1-314 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden
350-420 Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden in dozen
13:00 450-953 Munten
Vrijdag 15 Maart
10:00 1000-1064 Prentbriefkaarten
10:30 1100-1611 Buitenland collecties en voorraden
1800-1936 Buitenland collecties en voorraden in dozen
Zaterdag 16 Maart
09:00 2000-2367 Nederland en O.R. losse nummers
11:00 2500-2633 Buitenland losse nummers
13:00 3000-3261 Ramones Collection of Great Britain
15:00 3500-3588 WWII Collection of Dr. Keizer
Ongetande Haarlemse kleurproeven 40 cent in donkerbruin, bleeklila, grijsviolet, geel, donkergroen en rose in veldeeltjes van 20 ex., pracht ex.
Butterflies 4 - 50 fen including some values with sheet margins, cat.v. 600
Coat of Arms ½ schilling slate lilac, fine/very fine but regummed with 1945 RPS certificate, cat.v. 700
1876 Judicature stamp, De La Rue Head Dies, Die Proof in black - Orig. Head Prep. For Judicature Stamps 1876 - mounted in a sunken frame (58 x 74 mm), a fine example with minor imperfections
1876 Judicature stamp, De La Rue Head Dies, Die Proof in black - Orig. Head Prep. For Judicature Stamps 1876 - mounted in a sunken frame (73 x 50 mm), a fine example with minor imperfections
1883 De La Rue Head Dies, Die Proof in black with uncleared surround on card (92 x 61 mm) dated 2 May 83, a fine example with minor imperfections
Duloz 10 para brown green with variety imperforate in horizontal pair (Burak nr. 20 U), very fine without gum
1875 Reprint George Washington 10 cents black on bluish paper, fine/very fine (small pencil stroke at right, 2 small corner folds), cat.v. $ 1150
George Washington 90 cents blue, fine/very fine (purple mark on backside slightly shining through) without gum, cat.v. $ 1400
1990 Hunting Permit Stamp $ 12,50 - Black Bellied Whistling Duck - with the error black inscription printed on the stamp paper rather than the gum, very fine with 2011 APS certificate, cat. $ 3500
1881 5s. rose watermark Anchor plate 3 (AE), a fine to very fine unused example (small corner crease) without gum, - a very scarce stamp - with 1959 Miro certificate, cat. (£ 7000)
Waffen-SS, 50F proof (light blue) in sheetlet of 4 with variety final design (darker blue) printed on reverse