Veiling 260 maart 2025
Enkele hoogtepunten:
Variëteiten en afwijkingen Nederland. Australische Staten. Veel originele landencollecties waaronder Turkije.
10:00 | 1- 321 | Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden |
- | 400- 456 | Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden in dozen |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Munten |
15:30 | 700-775A | Prentbriefkaarten |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literatuur |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Buitenland collecties en voorraden |
- | 1800-1925 | Buitenland collecties en voorraden in dozen |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Nederland en O.R. losse nummers |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Buitenland losse nummers |
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Chalons 1866, Three stamps 2 d. blue (shades), Watermark Script Capitals, perf. 13, an unused trio, mint no gum (regummed), fine SG £ 300
Lithographed by Thomas Ham, Brisbane 1866/67: Chalon on thick paper 4 d. grey-lilac, no wmk. perf. 13, First Transfer, mint no gum (regummed), fine and fresh. SG £ 500
Lithographed by Thomas Ham, Brisbane 1866/67: Chalon 4 d. lilac-grey and 5 Sh. pale rose (gum spot), each overprinted SPECIMEN diagonally in blue, unused without gum. Fine pair
1874 (July/13), Cover bearing QV 3 d. brown and 6 d. yellow-green tied by ROCKHAMPTON QUEENSLAND d.s. at correct 9 d. shipmail rate (1 1/2 oz.) to Scotland with arrival mark on reverse, two folds and bend through the stamps, still fine
1868/78: Chalon 6 d. pale apple-green, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 13, fresh colour, unused large part og. SG £ 250
1868/78: Chalon 1 d. flesh, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, an unused pair in a fresh shade, fine, large part og. SG £ 240+
1868/78: Chalon 2 d. pale blue, Plate II, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, an unused and fresh stamp, fine, large part og. SG £ 130
1868/78: Chalon 2 d. pale blue, Plate II, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, an unused and fresh horizontal pair, fine, large part og. SG £ 140+
1868/78: Chalon 3 d. pale brown, wmk. Crown over Q inverted variety, perf. 12, fine, large part og.
1868/78: 4 d. yellow, first transfer, wmk. Crown Over Q, unused reperforated, fresh bright colour, well centered for these tightly-spaced stamps, scarce and fine, large part og. SG £ 1.700
1868/78, 6 d. green, wmk. Crown over Q, perf. 12, deep colour, fresh and fine, large part og. SG £ 225
1868/78: 1 s. purple, wmk. Crown & Q, perf. 12, fine, mint regummed, natural paper fold, SG £ 250