Veiling 250-253 september 2021

Lot 3519
Opening: 1.000 €
PEP M154

3E. Don DÉB./ ARM.SAMBRE ET MEUSE in red with (faintly) DÉB. ARM. DU NORD (PEP M193) on reverse of a letter from Nimegue le vingt Brumaire l'an trois (10 November 1794, 3 days after the conquest of Nijmegen) with red ARMÉE DU NORD (PEP M160) to a captain in the army Sambre et Meuse, the officer had moved to the Armée du Nord with the déboursé Sambre et Meuse, in the Armée du Nord the letter was forwarded with again a déboursé mark, 2 letters known with the Sambre et Meuse déboursé and the only one with 2 different déboursé marks, fine (somewhat toned) but a rarity