Veiling 257 september 2023
Onze 257e veiling bevat o.a. een gespecialiseerde en indrukwekkende collectie Bosnië van D.M. van Gelderen (proeven, variëteiten, tandingen). Daarnaast bevat de veiling omvangrijke collecties Italië, Latijns Amerika en Polen en diverse collecties en voorraden van andere landen. Voor de literatuurspecialist biedt deze veiling ook een keur aan betere literatuur en oude veilingcatalogi aan.
De afdeling Nederland en Overzeese Rijksdelen is samengesteld uit het 2e gedeelte van de verzamelaar C. Avezaat (enkelfrankeringen en fdc's). Bovendien wordt het 2e gedeelte van de collectie C. van Hoek aangeboden (postgeschiedenis). Deze naamcollecties worden ondersteund door een omvangrijke afdeling losse nummers, collecties en voorraden die door onze andere inzenders is aangeleverd.
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1875-1970 collection mostly * including better items, some gum toning in 4 stockbooks
1936 Airmail - The Crash of the Imperial Airways flying boat Scipio in the Mirabella Bay (Crete) on 22-8-1936 (Nierinck 360822) - a collection of 12 covers from Australia, India and Straits Settlements with various crash cachets, neatly described on album leaves
1930c. onwards, collection mostly */** including Falkland, South Georgia, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Micronesia, Norfolk Islands etc. with many topical sets and miniature sheets in album and stockbook
1960c. onwards, collection mostly */** including Samoa, Barbados, Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Grenada, (Aruba)etc. with many topical sets and miniature sheets in 2 stockbooks
1870c. onwards including Australian States, Levant etc. mostly older and classic material in 3 stockbooks, album and folder
1860c. onwards, stock including India (States) in 3 albums/stockbooks
1863 onwards, collection mostly */** including St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha, Nauru, Palau, Cocos Keeling, Seychelles etc. with many topical sets and miniature sheets in stockbook
1877 onwards, collection mostly */** including Samoa, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda etc. with many topical sets and miniature sheets in stockbook
1900 onwards, collection mostly */** including Taaf, New Zealand, Micronesia, Tokelau, Papua and New Guinea (incl. German Colonies) with many topical sets and miniature sheets in stockbook
1910c. onwards, large number of topical sets and miniature sheets, some older material (Iraq, India etc.) on stockpages in folder
1950c. onwards, collection mostly */** including Cayman Islands, Monserrat, Turk& Caicos Islands, St.Kitts, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Virgin Islands etc. with many topical sets and miniature sheets in stockbook
1960c. onwards, collection mostly */** including Mauritius, Gambia, Ascension, Pitcairn Islands, Bermuda etc. with many topical sets and miniature sheets in stockbook