Veiling 257 september 2023
Onze 257e veiling bevat o.a. een gespecialiseerde en indrukwekkende collectie Bosnië van D.M. van Gelderen (proeven, variëteiten, tandingen). Daarnaast bevat de veiling omvangrijke collecties Italië, Latijns Amerika en Polen en diverse collecties en voorraden van andere landen. Voor de literatuurspecialist biedt deze veiling ook een keur aan betere literatuur en oude veilingcatalogi aan.
De afdeling Nederland en Overzeese Rijksdelen is samengesteld uit het 2e gedeelte van de verzamelaar C. Avezaat (enkelfrankeringen en fdc's). Bovendien wordt het 2e gedeelte van de collectie C. van Hoek aangeboden (postgeschiedenis). Deze naamcollecties worden ondersteund door een omvangrijke afdeling losse nummers, collecties en voorraden die door onze andere inzenders is aangeleverd.
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1860c. onwards mostly better items including German States, Germany, France, Switzerland, some Commonwealth etc. on cards in Safe album

1860c onwards mainly only better sets and items used and */** including Persia Ahmad Shah Qajar, 2 sets ** and in blocks of four **, Belgium, Denmark, Luxemburg, Tanna Tuva etc. on 47 stockcards

1850/2000 various collections and stock used and */** including better classics including Austria, Bosnia, Poland, Portugal, Greece, UK, Italian occupied areas, German Old states, German Empire in 14 albums/stockbooks and 3 folders, envelope in large box
1930 onwards Air Mail labels in (mostly) complete booklets with many better ex. including Netherlands 1930, 1932, KLM 1935, 1936 and later, Air France from 1935 onwards, SAS, Mexicana de Aviacion, Panagra, Qantas, Frontier, Capital, Delta, Northwest, PAA etc. totally 66 ex. in Safe album
1841 onwards collection postmarks including blind cancels, due marks, numerals, cds, etc. totally c. 650 ex. in binder

1850/1885 2 Schaubek illustrated albums in fine condition, published by Senf brothers (1884-1885) including German Old States, UK, Greece, Commonwealth, China (large Dragon) others better items (in mixed quality)

1850/1960c. colllection mainly used including Phillippines, Commonwealth, Egypt, Iraq, USA, Italy, Germany etc. with a large number of stamps including better in old Schaubek world album

1870c. onwards many used and */** items and sets including French Colonies, China (1979 sets), Netherlands 2006 imperf. Christmas sheet, better miniature sheets etc. on 17 stock pages

1940/1910 collection used and * with major focus on Asia (China) and Latin America including better items (mixed quality) in old Victoria Schaubek album
mostly older and classic material in mixed quality including some errors, Switzerland standing Helvetia perforated 9¾ x 9¼ etc. on 4 stockcards in envelope

1861/1900 postal stationery cut-outs collection with better items in special Schwanebergers album (edition 1989), folder and stockbook

1865 onwards used collections including Thailand, India and South Africa in 3 Schaubek albums