Veiling 259 september 2024
Enkele hoogtepunten:
Variëteiten en afwijkingen Nederland. Veel originele landencollecties. Mooi aanbod klassieke munten.
Volgorde Veiling
Vrijdag 13 september
Tijdstippen | Kavelnummers | Onderdelen |
09:00 | 1-199 | Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden |
11:00 | 250-303 | Nederland en O.R. collecties en voorraden in dozen |
12:00 | 400-902 | Buitenland collecties en voorraden |
16:00 | 1200-1325 | Buitenland collecties en voorraden in dozen |
Zaterdag 14 september
Tijdstippen | Kavelnummers | Onderdelen |
10:00 | 2000 – 2223 | Nederland en O.R. losse nummers |
12:00 | 2300 – 2342 | Buitenland losse nummers |
13:00 | 2500 – 2759 | Munten |
16:00 | 2800 – 2893 | Prentbriefkaarten |
17:00 | 2900 – 2933 | Literatuur |
- Brits Gemenebest (101) Apply Brits Gemenebest filter
- Europa (370) Apply Europa filter
- Gehele Wereld (47) Apply Gehele Wereld filter
- Literatuur (35) Apply Literatuur filter
- Motief (33) Apply Motief filter
- Nederland en Rijksdelen (479) Apply Nederland en Rijksdelen filter
- Numismatiek (260) Apply Numismatiek filter
- Overzee (119) Apply Overzee filter
- Prentbriefkaarten (99) Apply Prentbriefkaarten filter
- Foreign Countries Collections (502) Apply Foreign Countries Collections filter
- Los nummer (269) Apply Los nummer filter
- Numismatics (260) Apply Numismatics filter
- Boxes (218) Apply Boxes filter
- Netherlands Collections (200) Apply Netherlands Collections filter
- Picture Postcards (99) Apply Picture Postcards filter
1960 onwards collection booklets including some better items (Ascension SB1, St. Helena SB1 and SB2,) and a few booklets various countries in 3 albums

1866/2000 collection mosty used with some better items in 3 Davo luxury albums in box
1900-2000 ca. with a.o. France and Netherlands in albums, stockbooks, glassines etc. in 2 large boxes
1945/2000 collection and stock FRG, GDR and Berlin used and */** including tabs, blocks of 4 etc. in 14 albums/stockbooks in 2 large boxes
1860c. onwards including topic ITU, France classic material, Belgium Yvert no. 140 ** (40x), some Commonwealth, Ireland etc. in 5 stockbooks and folder in box
1849/2000 including better approval booklets Belgium, Netherlands, France, some postal history etc. in doos

1918/2010 Super Heroes stamp album collection (10 albums incl. 3d glasses), World stamp expo poster2000, year sets and presentation packs in box
1960 onwards mostly ** on stockcards, in glassines, yearsets etc. including Commonwealth, USA etc. in medium box
1960c. onwards, collection used and **/*** in 7 stock books in box

1916/2000 including collection germany incl. German Empire, collection Belgium and ** stock Austria in 4 albums

1920-1940c. company archive, many 100s of covers including some registered, expres, postage dues, advertisements etc. in box
1900-2010c. maxicards (maximum cards), large stock of 1000s of items including many topics (birds, flowers), series, duplicates, some modern etc. in large box