Veiling 256 Maart 2023
De 256e veiling omvat uitgebreide collecties en voorraden Nederland, het eerste deel van de omvangrijke collectie C. Avezaat (enkelfrankeringen en 1e-dagbrieven) en het tweede deel van de collectie puntstempels van P. van Alteren. Tevens is er wederom een uitgebreid segment buitenlandse collecties en voorraden (beter Franse koloniën), munten en prentbriefkaarten.
- (-) Remove Europa filter Europa
- Balticum (1) Apply Balticum filter
- België (44) Apply België filter
- Bosnië en Herzegovina (1) Apply Bosnië en Herzegovina filter
- Bulgarije (4) Apply Bulgarije filter
- Denemarken (16) Apply Denemarken filter
- Duitsland (67) Apply Duitsland filter
- Finland (3) Apply Finland filter
- Fiume (2) Apply Fiume filter
- Frankrijk (66) Apply Frankrijk filter
- Griekenland (8) Apply Griekenland filter
- Groot-Brittannië (25) Apply Groot-Brittannië filter
- Hongarije (7) Apply Hongarije filter
- Ijsland (2) Apply Ijsland filter
- Italy (13) Apply Italy filter
- Joegoslavië (3) Apply Joegoslavië filter
- Liechtenstein (4) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Litouwen (1) Apply Litouwen filter
- Luxemburg (10) Apply Luxemburg filter
- Monaco (1) Apply Monaco filter
- Noorwegen (13) Apply Noorwegen filter
- Oost-Europa (7) Apply Oost-Europa filter
- Oost-Roemelië (1) Apply Oost-Roemelië filter
- Oostenrijk (28) Apply Oostenrijk filter
- Polen (2) Apply Polen filter
- Portugal (2) Apply Portugal filter
- Portugese Koloniën (2) Apply Portugese Koloniën filter
- Roemenië (10) Apply Roemenië filter
- Rusland (Poccия) (6) Apply Rusland (Poccия) filter
- San Marino (3) Apply San Marino filter
- Scandinavië (4) Apply Scandinavië filter
- Servië (1) Apply Servië filter
- Slowakije (1) Apply Slowakije filter
- Sovjet-Unie (2) Apply Sovjet-Unie filter
- Spanje (9) Apply Spanje filter
- Tsjechië (1) Apply Tsjechië filter
- Tsjecho-Slowakije (1) Apply Tsjecho-Slowakije filter
- Turkije (3) Apply Turkije filter
- Vaticaanstad (2) Apply Vaticaanstad filter
- West-Europa (2) Apply West-Europa filter
- Zweden (11) Apply Zweden filter
- Zwitserland (37) Apply Zwitserland filter

1849 to the mid 1940's Europa collection with strenght in Scandinavia (Sweden both 1924 UPU sets, Denmark Mi. nr. 350, airmail), Great Britain with 2 Black Penny's (mixed quality), Switzerland (classics, airmail), France (Orphans, Merson types *) etc. in 2 albums

1840/1955, collection with better material from a.o. Great Britain, Monaco and Spain in 6 Schaubek albums

1860c. onwards collections used and */** with better material including Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, France, CEPT, Luxemburg, Sweden and Switzerland in 12 Davo albums, stockbook and Safe album

1861 onwards collections Italy, Vatican and Yugoslavia used and */** nicely arranged with many better sets and miniature sheets in 3 folders and 2 stockbooks
1935-1942c. topics collection Maximum Cards (approx. 130 ex.) France, Belgium and Spain including Artists, Art, Royalty, Architecture etc. with better ex. (Samotrace 4x, Rubens 5F) on album pages in small box

1888 onwards with mainly older material used and */** including France, Monaco Italy, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe in 8 stockbooks
1858/2000 collections Austria, Liechtenstein, Sweden and Germany used and */** including better in 3 stockbooks
1849/1960 collection mainly used including France, Belgium, Germany and a large part Eastern Europe in 2 old Schaubek albums
1863/1940 well filled collection with better Belgium, Bosnia, Greece, Poland etc. used and * in 2 Kabe albums
1914-1918 WWI covers with censor labels, censor etc. including some from the Dutch East Indies (released by the British Military Authorities) in envelope

1916/1950 mainly */** material, including Turkey (back of the book), Portugal, Spain and Belgium (Congo) on stockbook pages
1912/1942, 13 mainly better covers including Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland in envelope