Veiling 250-253 september 2021
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Pintail Drakes 1 dollar light violet (3x) all with sheet margin with plate number 138602 in different positions, very fine unmounted mint (1 ex. hinge remnants) with 2004 and 2005 PSE certificates, cat.v. $ 925
Green-winged Teal 1 dollar chocolate (3x) all with sheet margin with plate number 141428 in different positions, very fine unmounted mint (1 ex. hinge remnants), cat.v. $550
Black Mallards 1 dollar sepia (5x) all with sheet margin with plate numbers 143776 and 143743 in difeerent positions, very fine unmounted mint (1 ex. gum bend), cat.v. $ 1125
Ruddy Ducks 1 dollar brown carmine (3x) with sheet margin with plate number 146271 in different positions, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. $ 675
Baldpates 1 dollar violet brown (5x) with sheet margin with plate numbers 149599 and 149600 in different positions, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. $ 1125
Woodducks 1 dollar deep rose (6x) with sheet margin with plate numbers 152826 and 152827 in different positions, very fine unmounted mint, cat.v. $ 720
Harlequin Ducks 2 dollars deep ultramarine with variety major perforation shift (7 mm), very fine mounted mint
Harlequin Ducks 2 dollar deep ultramarine with variety major perforation shift, very fine
Canvasbacks 7,50 dollars multicolored with variety multiple color shifts, very fine unused without gum
Widgeons 7.50 dollars multicolored special printing in gutter pair, very fine unmounted mint with 1988 Philatelic Foundation certificate (for strip of 4)" After no. RW51 became void, 15 uncut sheets of 120 (4 panes of 30 separated by gutters) were overprinted "1934-1984" and "50th Anniversary" in the margins. Single stamps from this sheets cannot be identified as the special printing. Gutter pairs are always the special printing
Fulvous Whistling Duck 7.50 dollars with variety black omitted, very fine (graded 85) unmounted mint with 2007 PSE certificate. A very rare variety of which approx. 60 copies are known!
Black Bellied Whistling Duck 12,50 dollars with variety black inscription printed on the stamp paper rather than the gum, very fine with 2011 APS certificate, cat.v. $ 3500