Veiling 256 Maart 2023
De 256e veiling omvat uitgebreide collecties en voorraden Nederland, het eerste deel van de omvangrijke collectie C. Avezaat (enkelfrankeringen en 1e-dagbrieven) en het tweede deel van de collectie puntstempels van P. van Alteren. Tevens is er wederom een uitgebreid segment buitenlandse collecties en voorraden (beter Franse koloniën), munten en prentbriefkaarten.
- Brits Gemenebest (65) Apply Brits Gemenebest filter
- Europa (455) Apply Europa filter
- Gehele Wereld (113) Apply Gehele Wereld filter
- Literatuur (23) Apply Literatuur filter
- Motief (27) Apply Motief filter
- Nederland en Rijksdelen (1717) Apply Nederland en Rijksdelen filter
- Numismatiek (90) Apply Numismatiek filter
- Overzee (102) Apply Overzee filter
- Prentbriefkaarten (175) Apply Prentbriefkaarten filter
- Main Catalog - Collections (1158) Apply Main Catalog - Collections filter
- Los nummer (291) Apply Los nummer filter
- Main Catalog - Boxes (259) Apply Main Catalog - Boxes filter
- Picturepostcards (164) Apply Picturepostcards filter
- Numismatic (84) Apply Numismatic filter
- Main Catalog - Folders (9) Apply Main Catalog - Folders filter
- Picturepostcards (9) Apply Picturepostcards filter
1900 onwards stock and collection in 12 albums/stockbooks
1860/2000 A-Z countries mainly used including a stock Belgium in 6 binders and 2 stockbooks
1840-1999 in 4 albums and stockbook
1990 till recent times large quantity covers send to the same persoon including topical issues, miniature sheets and registered post in 2 large boxes
1900-2000c. Austra and Belgium including postal stationery, some covers, postcards etc. in 6 albums and 2 boxes in large box
1900c. onwards off-paper stamps (Israel), covers etc. in large box
1862/2004 including stock Greece, Switzerland, France and a large number of topical sets and miniature sheets in 4 large boxes
1980 onwards including off-paper stamps, topical issues and a large number of Hawid mounts in box
1960/2000 CEPT Europa, Israel and Germany mainly */** in 6 stockbooks/albums
1900c. including Cabe verde, FRG, Canada etc. on stockcards and in glassine bags in box
1880c. onwards including some Jammu & Kashmir, Netherlands, fdc's etc. in box
1990/1999 lot off paper stamps mostly ** in small box