260. Auktion. März 2025
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Australian States. Many original country collections including Turkey
10:00 | 1- 321 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock |
- | 400- 456 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock in boxes |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Coins |
15:30 | 700-775A | Postcards |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literature |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Foreign countries collections and stock |
- | 1800-1925 | Foreign countries collections and stock in boxes |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Foreign countries single lots |
- Alle Welt (86) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Ansichtskarten (80) Apply Ansichtskarten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (409) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Europa (698) Apply Europa filter
- Literatur (20) Apply Literatur filter
- Motivsammlungen (33) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Niederlande und Kolonien (879) Apply Niederlande und Kolonien filter
- Numismatik (128) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (169) Apply Übersee filter
- Hauptkatalog (996) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Foreign Country collections (776) Apply Foreign Country collections filter
- Netherlands collections (323) Apply Netherlands collections filter
- Boxes (205) Apply Boxes filter
- Numismatics (128) Apply Numismatics filter
- Picture Postcards (80) Apply Picture Postcards filter
1883/99: Colour Trial for the 3 d. pale sage-green, an unused horizontal pair with sheet margin at left, printed in close to the issued colour on unwatermarked wove paper, perforated 14, fine unmounted og. Scarce.
1886/1896: "Long Stamp" 15 s. brownish yellow, wmk. Crown over SA sideways, perf. 10, mint hinged, fine colour, minor horizontal crease. A scarce stamp SG £ 850
Long Stamps 1st Issue 1886/96: 50 s. dull pink, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 11½-12½, a cto used example of bright colour, lightly cancelled by part circular handstamp in black, intact gum on reverse. The unsold remainder of this value were sent to Melbourne, Victoria and cancelled upon arrival. Scarce and attractive stamp SG £ 750
1891/93: 2½ d. bronze on 4 d. pale green, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 10, an unused block of fifteen (3 x 5), marginal from left, stamp 4 showing "2" and "½" closer together, fresh and very fine, unmounted mint og. SG £ 170++
1891/93: 5 d. in red on 6 d. pale brown, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 10, variety "No Stop after 5D.", fresh and fine, mint hinged og. Certificate B.P.A. SG £ 180
Tannenberg Issue 1898: 2½ d. indigo in a top left corner block of twelve with margin imprint “1”, perf. 13, two stamps with tiny hinge remain, all others mint never hinged, very fine and attractive kangaroo thematic. SG £ 180+
Long Stamps - Thick Postage 1906/12: 9 d. deep lake on thin paper, wmk. Crown over SA, perf. 12½, an unused pair, variety "Watermark Inverted" and small flaws on the NINE PENCE tablet affecting both stamps, fresh colour, fine, large part og. Unlisted by Stanley Gibbons.
Official 1874/77: 6 d. Prussian blue, wmk. Large Star, perf. 11½ x 12½, overprinted small "O.S.", strong rich colour, mint hinged. SG £ 275
Official 1874/77: 1 s. red-brown, wmk. Large Star, perf. 11½ x 12½, overprinted small "O.S.", deep fresh colour, mint hinged. SG £ 120
1876/85: 4 d. deep mauve, optd. 'O.S.' in black, perf. 10 x 11½, an unused horizontal pair of fine colour, left stamp unmounted og. other hinged. SG £ 160+
1876/85: 4 d. deep mauve, optd. 'O.S.' in black, perf. 10 x 12½, an unused horizontal pair mint hinged og., plus a used pair showing variety “right stamp without stop” SG £ 270+
Official 1874/77: 6 d. bright ultramarine, wmk. Large Star, perf. 10 x 12½, overprinted small "O.S.", fine colour, mint hinged. SG £ 275