260. Auktion. März 2025
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Australian States. Many original country collections including Turkey
10:00 | 1- 321 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock |
- | 400- 456 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock in boxes |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Coins |
15:30 | 700-775A | Postcards |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literature |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Foreign countries collections and stock |
- | 1800-1925 | Foreign countries collections and stock in boxes |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Foreign countries single lots |
- Alle Welt (86) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Ansichtskarten (80) Apply Ansichtskarten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (409) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Europa (698) Apply Europa filter
- Literatur (20) Apply Literatur filter
- Motivsammlungen (33) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Niederlande und Kolonien (879) Apply Niederlande und Kolonien filter
- Numismatik (128) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (169) Apply Übersee filter
- Hauptkatalog (996) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Foreign Country collections (776) Apply Foreign Country collections filter
- Netherlands collections (323) Apply Netherlands collections filter
- Boxes (205) Apply Boxes filter
- Numismatics (128) Apply Numismatics filter
- Picture Postcards (80) Apply Picture Postcards filter
1879, ALESSANDRIE DEC/6/79 & A british duplex type on folded envelope bearing 1 Pia rose pyramid issue, on reverse arrival mark POSTE EGIZIANE CAIRE 7/DIC/79, two file folds, fine
1876, Envelope bearing 2½d. tied by british "B02" from Suez and a SUEZ JY/4/7 cds, "T" for taxe crossed out, corner creases, to Southampton with arrival mark on reverse, fine
4 M. scarlet with inverted overprint, extremely fine used, rare!
1935 incoming registered envelope from Paramaribo Surinam 2-7-1935 with mixed franking to Addis Ababa Ethiopia 7-8-1935
1915, Postcard Gouraghes bearing on front 1 P on 1 G blue, ½ G rose and ¼ G green from Addis Abeba to Harrar with arrival mark on reverse, fine
1852, complete folded envelope from PAIMBOEUF 14/JUIL/52 BATEAU A. VAPEUR to NANTES, tax stamp "25", usual file fold, arrival mark on reverse
Los 2547
Precancels (Timbres Prépblitérés), Postes Paris 1921 15 centimes green olive, very fine mounted mint with 2000 Roger Calves certificate, cat.v. 1000
Los 2548
Sage 1 centime black type II on prussian blue, very fine mounted mint with dried up gum and 2001 Roger Calves certificate, cat.v. (18.000)
Sage 35 centimes type II violet black on yellow, very fine mounted mint, cat.v. 800
Los 2550
Sage 5 francs type II violet and lilac, very fine mounted mint with 2000 Roger Calves certificate, cat.v. 650
1864-65, Two folded letters of double weight from Constantinople with French ship mail "SINAI 9/NOV/64" and "INDUS 11/JANV/65" each red "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" alongside, via Marseille and Paris to London with arrival cancellations. Usual register folds and handwritten 1 Sh 6 P at arrival, fine pair
1919, Cover tied by "TRESOR ET POSTES 600" and purple "DEPT FRANÇAIS DE PALESTINE - LE COMMANDANT" alongside, vertical fold and tiny crease, part flap missing and ms., addressed to France with arrival on reverse, fine and rare usage in Palestine