260. Auktion. März 2025
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Australian States. Many original country collections including Turkey
10:00 | 1- 321 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock |
- | 400- 456 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock in boxes |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Coins |
15:30 | 700-775A | Postcards |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literature |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Foreign countries collections and stock |
- | 1800-1925 | Foreign countries collections and stock in boxes |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Foreign countries single lots |
- Alle Welt (86) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Ansichtskarten (80) Apply Ansichtskarten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (409) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Europa (698) Apply Europa filter
- Literatur (20) Apply Literatur filter
- Motivsammlungen (33) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Niederlande und Kolonien (879) Apply Niederlande und Kolonien filter
- Numismatik (128) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (169) Apply Übersee filter
- Hauptkatalog (996) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Foreign Country collections (776) Apply Foreign Country collections filter
- Netherlands collections (323) Apply Netherlands collections filter
- Boxes (205) Apply Boxes filter
- Numismatics (128) Apply Numismatics filter
- Picture Postcards (80) Apply Picture Postcards filter
Reichspräsidenten Booklet 1928 O.-Nr. 8, extremely fine mint never hinged, cover uncreased, rare!
Emergency relief 1929 booklets, mint never hinged, cover uncreased
Emergency relief booklets 1930 dgz, extremely fine mint never hinged, cover uncreased
Hindenburg booklets 1933, cover slightly creased and minimal adhesion mark
Stände booklets, margin not perforated and perforated, extremely fine mint never hinged, cover uncreased
Hitler booklets all 3 types, extremely fine mint never hinged and cover uncreased
Hitler booklets type 3, mint never hinged, cover uncreased, rare!
8 Pfg. Ebert with horizontal watermark as complete booklet sheet with margin in mint never hinged condition, extremely rare!
all 4 vertical se-tenants with 4 Pfg., extremely fine mint never hinged, 2 times stamped Schlegel
Emergency relief 1931, 15+A1.2+15 Pfg., extremely fine mint never hinged, expertised Schlegel
Nothilfe 1928 8+Z+A2+15 Pfg., trace of folding on the blank field, expertised Schlegel, MI. 2400,-++
Emergency relief 1929, 5 Pfg. reverse miniature sheet with blank field, extremely fine mint never hinged, expertised Schlegel, 1 pre-folded