260. Auktion. März 2025
Some highlights:
Varieties Netherlands. Australian States. Many original country collections including Turkey
10:00 | 1- 321 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock |
- | 400- 456 | Netherlands and colonies collections and stock in boxes |
14:00 | 500- 626 | Coins |
15:30 | 700-775A | Postcards |
16:30 | 800-819 | Literature |
09:00 | 1000-1775 | Foreign countries collections and stock |
- | 1800-1925 | Foreign countries collections and stock in boxes |
09:00 | 2000 - 2487A | Netherlands and colonies single lots |
13:00 | 2500 - 2996 | Foreign countries single lots |
- Alle Welt (86) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Ansichtskarten (80) Apply Ansichtskarten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (409) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Europa (698) Apply Europa filter
- Literatur (20) Apply Literatur filter
- Motivsammlungen (33) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Niederlande und Kolonien (879) Apply Niederlande und Kolonien filter
- Numismatik (128) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (169) Apply Übersee filter
- Hauptkatalog (996) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Foreign Country collections (776) Apply Foreign Country collections filter
- Netherlands collections (323) Apply Netherlands collections filter
- Boxes (205) Apply Boxes filter
- Numismatics (128) Apply Numismatics filter
- Picture Postcards (80) Apply Picture Postcards filter
⅓ Groschen blue-green cancelled by a double ring Oldenburg in blue with certificate Hunziker 1968 (marke und stempel echt, papier ist fehlerfrei erhalten und nicht repariert, rückseitig habe ich signiert), cat. 1000
Korn's colour proof without value tablet in red, single print on cardboard, slightly trimmed cardboard with slightly traces of ageing, rare!
New prints 6,9,18 Kreuzer in well cut and very fresh colours, without gum
Reprint 18 Kr. bright blue, broadside without gum, minimally bright, short certificate Heinrich
25 Pfg. proofs perforated and imperforated complete, mint never hinged, marked Klinkhammer
25 Pfg. proofs imperf. in 5 different colours. colours, extremely fine mint, short certificate Winkler
4 different imperforated colour proofs, extremely fine mint never hinged, certificate Ludin
7 times 10 Pfg. as multiple franking on rare form Fern Licht radio message from the war hospital 55 to Freystadt and hs. Note "Erbitte Amtstelegramm zwecks Urlaub", stamps cancelled in blue pencil
8 thousand on 30 Pfg., 5 times including plf. "inverted. 8" with aditional franking at bottom foreign letter, somewhat foxed, short opinion Fleiner, min. on letter only -,- (loose 450,-)
Wagner series complete on large size extremely rare First Day Cover Oldenburg 1.11.33, 40 Pfg. 1 yellow perf
Germania booklets 1921 O.-No. 1 dgz, cover slightly creased and on the back minimal adhesion otherwise extremely fine mint never hinged
Hindenburg Nothilfe Booklet, thick cardboard, margin not perforated, extremely fine hinged, cover uncreased